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Let's Meet at The Witches' Gathering
Majo Shuukai de Aimashou / 魔女集会で会いましょう / Majo Shuukai de Ai Mashou / A Story about Seriously Injured Boy and A Witch Who Embraced Him / Hakuryuu to Kuro no Majo / He was a great wizard / Kare wa Rippa na Mahou Tsukai Datta / Let's Meet At the Witches' Gathering (Miyako Cak) / White and Black / White Dragon and Witch / 大変なケガをした男の子と、そんな彼を介抱した魔女のお話 / 彼は立派な魔法使いだった / 白と黒 / 白竜と黒 の魔女
cak miyako / metubusi / oguanf / sakusya2honda / various artists / yuzua
14Fantasy,Magic,Drama,Slice of Life