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Saint Cecilia & Pastor Lawrence
白聖女と黒牧師, Shiro Seijo to Kuro Bokushi, The White Holy Woman and the Black Priest, The White Saint and the Black Priest, White Saint and Black Pastor
Hazano Kazutake
294-Koma,Shounen(B),Comedy,Fantasy,Romance,Slice of Life
Let's Meet at The Witches' Gathering
Majo Shuukai de Aimashou / 魔女集会で会いましょう / Majo Shuukai de Ai Mashou / A Story about Seriously Injured Boy and A Witch Who Embraced Him / Hakuryuu to Kuro no Majo / He was a great wizard / Kare wa Rippa na Mahou Tsukai Datta / Let's Meet At the Witches' Gathering (Miyako Cak) / White and Black / White Dragon and Witch / 大変なケガをした男の子と、そんな彼を介抱した魔女のお話 / 彼は立派な魔法使いだった / 白と黒 / 白竜と黒 の魔女
cak miyako / metubusi / oguanf / sakusya2honda / various artists / yuzua
14Fantasy,Magic,Drama,Slice of Life
Your Modern White Knight
Flower Master In The City / The Master Of Flowers In The City / 护花高手在都市
1🇨🇳Action,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Harem,Martial Arts,Romance,Supernatural
Shirayuri wa Ake ni Somaranai
Shirayuri wa Shou ni Somaranai / White Lilies Do Not Stain Crimson / 白百合は朱に染まらない
Hirasawa Yuuna
I Reincarnated as a White Pig Noble's Daughter from a Shoujo Manga
Tensei-saki ga shōjo manga no hakuton reijōdatta / My transmigration destination was to the White Pig Opposer of a Shoujo Manga / 転生先が少女漫画の白豚令嬢だった / Tensei Saki ga Shoujo Manga no Shiro Buta Reijou datta / Tenseisaki ga Shoujomanga no Shirobuta Reijoudatta
ageha sakura / risa hanano
Erotic Fairy Tales: Snow White
えろ♥めるへん 白雪姫 / Erotic Fairy Tales: Snow White
takano yumi
The Vengeful White Cat Lounging On The Dragon King's Lap
Fukushuu wo chikatta shironeko wa ryuuou no hiza no jou de damin wo musaboru / Fukushuu wo Chikatta Shironeko wa Ryuuou no Hiza no Ue de Damin wo Musaboru / The White Cat That Swore Vengeance Was Just Lazing on the Dragon King's Lap / 復讐を誓った白猫は竜王の膝の上で惰眠をむさぼる
Shoujo(G),Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Romance,Slice of Life
Black or White
愛になんて溺れない / Ai ni nante Oborenai
Petit Comic / Izumi Miyazono / 宮園 いづみ
I Reincarnated as a White Pig Noble's Daughter from a Shoujo Manga
My Transmigration Destination Was to the White Pig Opposer of a Shoujo Manga / Shiro Buta Reijou / Tensei-saki ga shōjo manga no hakuton reijōdatta / Tenseisaki ga Shoujo Manga no Shirobuta Reijou datta / Tenseisaki ga Shoujomanga no Shirobuta Reijoudatta / 転生先が少女漫画の白豚令嬢だった
Sakura Ageha / Hanano Risa
Their Will is Complex and White.
ふたごわずらい / Futago Wazurai
Comic Yuri Hime / Itsuki Sakurano / 桜野 いつき
🇯🇵Drama,Shoujo ai
Tensei Saki Ga Shoujo Manga No Shiro Buta Reijou Datta
I reincarnated as a White Pig Noble's Daughter from a Shoujo Manga / My transmigration destination was to the White Pig Opposer of a Shoujo Manga / Tensei-saki ga shōjo manga no hakuton reijōdatta / Tenseisaki ga Shoujomanga no Shirobuta Reijoudatta / 転生先が少女漫画の白豚令嬢だった
Hanano Risa
Devilish Romance
Lee Kong-Joo / White Eagle
Byakuren no Fang
White Lotus / Byakuren no Fangu / 白蓮のファング
yoshihiro takahashi
Kirara to Shiro Ookami
綺羅々と白狼 / Kirara and the White Wolf
Ogura Akane
Snow White with the Red Hair
Akagami no Shirayukihime / Red-haired Snow White / Hachigatsu no Shikisai / Four-Season Color of August / Bind Us / Bokura wo Tsunaide / 赤髪の白雪姫 / Die rothaarige Schneeprinzessin (German) / Red-haired Snow White Princess / Shirayuki aux cheveux rouges (French) / Akagami no Shirayuki-hime / 빨강머리 백설공주 / สโนไวท์ผมแดง / 赤髮白雪姬 / 红发的白雪公主 / Красноволосая Белоснежка / شيرايوكي ذات الشعر الأحمر / Akagami no Shirayuki Hime
sorata akizuki
1Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,Fantasy,Drama,Slice of Life
Sakura Hime: The Legend of Princess Sakura
桜姫華伝 / Sakura-hime Kaden / Sakurahime Kaden, Shiro Bara Gakuen Vampire Rose, White Rose Academy Vampire Rose, Tenshi no Kinka Maple Rose, The Angelic Coin of Maple Rose, I.O.N
Arina Tanemura / 種村 有菜 / Ribon Magazine
Akagami no Shirayukihime
Akagami no Shirayukihime / Red-haired Snow White / Four-Season Color of August / Bind Us / Bokura wo Tsunaide
akizuki sorata
Shiro no Eden
白のエデン / White Eden
Bessatsu Friend / Ririko Yoshioka / 吉岡 李々子
Akagami no Shirayukihime
00 Day of Summer Holiday / Akagami no Shirayuki-hime / Bind Us / Bokura o Tsunaide. / Branca de Neve do Cabelo Vermelho / Die rothaarige Schneeprinzessin / Four-season Colour of August / Hachigatsu no Shikisa / Kızıl Saçlı Pamuk Prenses / Natsu Yasumi Zero Zero Nichime / Red-haired Snow White Princess / Shirayuki aux cheveux rouges / Shirayuki: Śnieżka o czerwonych włosach / Snehvide med det røde hår / Snow White with the Red Hair / Красноволосая Белоснежка / بيضاء الثلج ذات الشعر الأحمر / شيرايوكي ذات الشعر الأحمر / สโนไวท์ผมแดง / 紅髮的白雪公主 / 红发的白雪公主 / 赤髪の白雪姫 / 赤髮白雪姬 / 빨강머리 백설공주
Akizuki Sorata
2🇯🇵Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Historical,Medical,Romance,Slice of Life
Veil 1 - Body temperature of Orange / Veil 1 - Orenji no Taion / Veil 1 - オレンジの体温 / Veil 2 - Calming Noir / Veil 2 - Naida Nowāru / Veil 2 - 凪いだノワール / Veil 3 - Graceful White / Veil 3 - Taoyagu Berui / Veil 3 - たおやぐビェルイ
A White Rabbit in Wonderland
Shirayukihime To 7-Nin No Shuujin
白雪公主與七個囚犯 / 白雪姫と7人の囚人 (Japanese) / สโนไวท์และคนบาปทั้งเจ็ด (Thai) / Shirayukihime to Nananin no Shuujin / Shirayukihime to Shichinin no Shuujin / Seven Dwarfs / Snow White and Seven Dwarfs / Princess Snow White and the Seven Prisoners (English)
Yabuguchi Kuroko
The Genius Princess's Road to Becoming Empress
Phoenix Web Manhua / [Add] / White Bear Dongman
Pokémon Adventures
ポケットモンスターSPECIAL / Pocket Monsters Special / Pokémon Special, Pokespecial, Pokemon Adventures, Pokémon Black and White, Pocket Monsters Special XY, Pocket Monsters Special Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire ORAS, Pocket Monsters Special Sun Moon, Pocket Monsters Special Sword and Shield
Satoshi Yamamoto / 山本 サトシ / CoroCoro Comic / Hidenori Kusaka / 日下 秀憲 / Mato / undefined 真斗
Hatsukoi Hakusho
初恋白書 / White Paper On First Love
Yuu Yoshinaga / 吉永 ゆう