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Steal the Child of the Terminally Ill
Steal the Child of the Terminally Ill / 시한부의 아이까지 뺏으려 합니다 / I'm Trying to Steal Even The Child of The Terminally Ill
lobster (랍스타) / Lee Ru
2🇰🇷Webtoon,Romance,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color
Your Virginity Is Mine ~My Childhood Friend Is Bullying Me Sexually~
Omae no Doutei, Ubatte Yaru yo - Osananajimi no Ijiwaru Sex / Your Virginity is Mine ~My Childhood Friend is Bullying Me Sexually~ / お前の童貞、奪ってやるよ~幼馴染みのいじわるセックス / 我要夺走你的第一次~儿时玩伴的恶作剧性爱 / 我要奪走你的第一次~兒時玩伴的惡作劇性愛
Tsubomi (Anthology)
&Dropout / Camel / Chrysanthemum Garden / Cotton Candy Love / December's Melting Snow / Fatonic Love / God and the Rainbringer / Heart Ablaze / Koburiawase / Love Fool / Massaging the Woman I Admire / Memory Box / Michi / Playing House / Roche Limit / Scent of Sweet / Scissors and Fingers / Sixth Year Class 3, by Suzuki / Sketch from the Heart / The Ocean Meets the Sky / The Snow Princess / The Tale of the Wild Roses / Tonari No / Triangle of Love / Unbalance / Under / Wolf Woebegone / つぼみ / つぼみ (Anthology) / つぼみ (アンソロジー) / つぼみ (まんがタイムKRコミックス GLシリーズ)
🇯🇵Oneshot,Yuri(GL),Comedy,School Life
Strange Invasion, I Took Over The God Of Death And Counterattacked To Become The King
Weird Invasion, I Took Over the Body of the Grim Reaper And Became the King / Strange Invasion, I Took Over the God of Death and Counterattacked to Become the King / Guiyi Ruqin, Wo Duo She Sishen Ni Xi Cheng Wang / Guǐyì Rùqīn, Wǒ Duó Shě Sǐshén Nì Xí Chēng Wáng / In the Bizarre Invasion, I Took Over the Body of the God of Death and Became the King
Hirunaka no Ryuusei
A Love Story in Moist Rainy Days / Amor Purpura / Cookie Girl, Cream Boy / Daytime Shooting Star / Estrella Fugaz durante el día / Günışığında Kayan Yıldız / Gwiazda spadająca za dnia / Hatsukoi Murasaki / Hirunaka no Ryūsei / Hirunaka no Ryuusei - Bangai Hen / Hirunaka no Ryuusei - Bangai-hen / Moa Zan Waazu / More than Words / Purple Love / Tsuyu Kaoru / Tsuyukaoru / Una stella Cadente in pieno giorno / Yağmurlu Günlerde Bir Aşk Hikayesi / Дневной звездопад / الحب الارجواني / الشهاب الصباحي / แสงดาวกลางใจ / ツユカオル / はつ恋むらさき / ひるなかの流星 / ひるなかの流星 番外編 / モアザンワーズ / 昼行闪耀的流星 / 白晝的流星 / 한낮의 유성
Yamamori Mika
🇯🇵Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
I Became a Slave in Another World (pien) and to make matters worse, My Master is a Black-Hearted Elf Queen! (But She’s Super Hot. (note: v. impt.)) I’m Pretty Useless, So I’m Getting Barked At Left, Right, and Centre, but the ORC I’m rooming with is full of good vibes, and the ELF in the Village is pretty cute too, so on the whole, I have to say that I’m actually quite enjoying myself here.
I Became a Slave in Another World (pien) and to make matters worse, My Master is a Black-Hearted Elf Queen! (But She’s Super Hot. (note: v. impt.)) I’m Pretty Useless, So I’m Getting Barked At Left, Right, and Centre, but the ORC I’m rooming with is full of good vibes, and the ELF in the Village is pretty cute too, so on the whole, I have to say that I’m actually quite enjoying myself here. / 私、異世界で奴隷にされちゃいました(泣)しかもご主人様は性格の悪いエルフの女王様(でも超美人←ここ大事)無能すぎて罵られまくるけど同僚のオークが癒やし系だし里のエルフは可愛いし結構楽しんでる私です。 / Watashi, Isekai de Dorei ni Sarechaimashita (naku). Shikamo Goshujin-sama ha Seikaku no Warui Erufu no Jou'ou-sama (demo Chou-Bijin ← Koko Daiji) Munou sugite Nonoshiraremakuru kedo Douryou no Orc ga Iyashi-kei dashi Sato no Erufu ha Kawaii shi Kekkou Tanoshinderu Watashi desu.
Super Masara / Yoshida Hideyuki
11🇯🇵Yuri(GL),Reincarnation,Comedy,Isekai,Slice of Life
Jumyou wo Kaitotte Moratta. Ichinen ni Tsuki, Ichimanen de.
Üç Günlük Mutluluk / 3일간의 행복 / Aku Menjual Masa Hidupku Seharga 10.000 Yen Per Tahun. / Eu vendi minha vida por dez mil ienes por ano. / Hayatımı yılda 10.000 Yen'e sattım. / I sold my life for ten thousand yen per year. / I Sold Off My Lifespan, For 10,000 Yen A Year. / Mikkakan no Koufuku / senege mek telung dino / Three Days of Happiness / Tres Dias de Felicidad / Trzy Dni Szczęścia / Три Дні Щастя / Я продав своє життя по 10000 єн за рік / Я распродал свою жизнь по 10000 иен за год / 寿命を買い取ってもらった。一年につき、一万円で。 / 我用一年一万日元卖掉寿命 / 我用一年一萬日元賣掉壽命 / 수명을 팔았다. 1년당, 1만엔에
Taguchi Shouichi, Miaki Sugaru / Taguchi Shouichi
Saikyou ni Uzai Kanojo no, Asu kara Tsukaeru Mount Lesson
Saikyou ni Uzai Kanojo no, Asu kara Tsukaeru Mount Lesson / The most annoying girlfriend's condecending lesson you can use from tomorrow. / 最強にウザい彼女の、明日から使えるマウント教室
Yuu Yoshino / Makuto Kumacha / Mizore Saba
🇯🇵Romance,Comedy,School Life,Adaptation
Order wa Boku de Yoroshii desu ka?
オーダーは僕でよろしいですか? / Haru Koi, Power of Love, Flying Start!, Haru ni Kaze to Yuki ga Furu!
Deluxe Margaret / Ayuko Hatta / 八田 鮎子
Boukensha License wo Hakudatsu Sareta Ossan Dakedo, Manamusume ga Dekita no de Nonbiri Jinsei wo Oukasuru
Boukensha License o Hakudatsu Sareta Ossan Dakedo, Manamusume ga Dekita no de Nonbiri Jinsei o Oukasuru / Enjoy New Life With My Daughter / I'm a Middle-Aged Man Who Got My Adventurer License Revoked, but I Can Enjoy Life Because I Have a Lovely Daughter / I'm a Middle-Aged Man Who Got My Adventurer License Revoked, but I'm Enjoying a Carefree Lifestyle Because I Have an Adorable Daughter Now / La rencontre entre une enfant maudite, et un vieil homme mourant / 冒険者ライセンスを剥奪されたおっさんだけど、愛娘ができたのでのんびり人生を謳歌する / 모험가 라이센스를 박탈당한 아저씨지만, 귀여운 딸이 생겨서 느긋하게 인생을 구가한다
Watanabe Itsuki, Ononata Manimani / Tadaura Fumi
Eldias Lord: Megami Ni Moratta Zettai Shinanai Kyuukyoku Skill De Nanatsu No Dungeon O Kouryaku Suru
エルディアス・ロード 女神にもらった絶対死なない究極スキルで七つのダンジョンを攻略する / Eldias Road Megami ni Moratta Zettai Shinanai Kyūkyoku Skill de Nanatsu no Dungeon o Kōryaku Suru / 《엘디어스 로드》 여신에게 받은 절대 죽지 않는 궁극 스킬을 가지고 7개의 던전을 공략한다 / Eldias Lord: Conquer the seven dungeons with the ultimate skill of never dying given to you by the goddess.
Sumimori Sai
Kusuguri Goumonsareru Mahou Shoujo no Hanashi
Kusuguri Goumonsareru Mahou Shoujo no Hanashi / くすぐり拷問される魔法少女の話 / Kusuguri Gōmonsareru Mahō Shōjo no Hanashi / The Story of a Magical Girl Who Got Tickle Tortured / Kisah seorang gadis penyihir yang digelitik dan disiksa
I Came To Another World As A Jack Of All Trades And A Master Of None To Journey While Relying On Quickness
Isekai ni Kita Boku wa Kiyoubinbode Subaya-sa Tayorina Tabi o Suru / Isekai ni Kita Boku wa Kiyoubinbode Subayasa Tayorina Tabi wo Suru / 異世界に来た僕は器用貧乏で素早さ頼りな旅をする
Kochimo / Kamifuusen
11Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Romance,Slice of Life
Sankarea: Undying Love
さんかれあ / Sankarea / Shiromabito
Mitsuru Hattori / はっとり みつる / 服部 充 / Bessatsu Shounen Magazine
The Cute Girl Sitting Next To Me Is Trying To Make Me Fall In Love With Her As A Way To Ridicule Me, But The Tables Were Turned On Her Before She Knew It
My Seatmate Tries to Make Me Fall in Love with Her by Teasing Me Repeatedly, but Somehow She Was the One Who Fell / Tonari no Seki ni Natta Bishoujo ga Horesaseyou to Karakatte Kuru ga Itsunomanika Kaeriuchi ni Shite Ita / 隣の席になった美少女が惚れさせようとからかってくるがいつの間にか返り討ちにしていた
Aresanzui / 宮古蜂
1Ecchi,Comedy,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Kimi To Ikirareru Nara Shindemo Ii
Dying to Live with You / Kimi to Ikirarerunara Shindemo Ii / 君と生きられるなら死んでもいい
Akai Shirafu
Building The Strongest Shaolin Temple In Another World
Dazao Yi Jie Zui Qiang Shaolinsi / Dǎzào Yì Jiè Zuì Qiáng Shàolínsì / Constructing the Strongest Otherworldly Shaolin Temple / Dị Giới Kiến Tạo Tối Cường Thiếu Lâm Tự / 打造异界最强少林寺
Nami / 黑土冒青烟 / 漫潮社 / 窝得马动漫
2Manhua,Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Historical,Martial Arts
While I’m Back In Time, I’ll Get My Revenge
Mientras estoy de vuelta en el tiempo, obtendré mi venganza / Now That I'm Back, I'll Get My Revenge / 回归后,黑化复仇! / 회귀한 김에 복수하겠습니다
Kwon Yi Eun / Marucomics
Kongouji-san is Annoying
1Manga,Shounen(B),Comedy,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Ritsuka Fujimaru Tries Princess-Carrying the Fairy Knights and Morgan (Doujinshi)
Ritsuka Fujimaru Tries Princess-Carrying the Fairy Knights and Morgan (Doujinshi)
2🇯🇵Oneshot,Doujinshi,Time Travel,Romance,Video Games,Magic,Slice of Life,Supernatural,Full Color
Boyish Girl x Gyaru
BoiGyaru / Boyish Girl × Gyaru / Boyish Shoujo × Gyaru / Boyish Shoujo x Gyaru / ボーイッシュ女子×ギャル / ボイギャル
kawai rou
11Doujinshi,Shoujo ai,Comedy,Gyaru,Romance,School Life
Unwanted Crush
Unwanted Crush / 一大波回头草正在靠近 / Yi dabo huitou cao zhengzai kaojìn
2🇨🇳Webtoon,Romance,Comedy,Reverse Harem,Slice of Life,Full Color
The Kouhai with a Crush on Me is Trying to Make Herself Very Appealing to Me
The Kouhai with a Crush on Me is Trying to Make Herself Very Appealing to Me / 僕の事が好きな後輩がめっちゃアピールしてくる / Boku no Koto ga Suki na Kouhai ga Meccha Apiiru Shitekuru
Fukuoka Tarou
I Can't Die Today Because You Are Too Weak
I Can't Die Today Because You Are Too Weak / 因为你们太弱我今天也死不了 / Yīnwèi Nǐmen Tài Ruò Wǒ Jīntiān Yě Sǐ Bùliǎo
Hui Jing She
11🇨🇳Webtoon,Action,Demons,Adventure,Virtual Reality,Drama,Fantasy,Supernatural,Full Color
Majo To Kishi Wa Iki Nokoru
The Witch and the Knight Will Survive / 魔女と騎士は生きのこる / Ведьма и рыцарь выживают / Penyihir dan Ksatria Mungkin Akan Bertahan
Chikamoto Dai
I Randomly Have A New Career Every Week
I Randomly Have A New Career Every Week / 我每周随机一个新职业 / Aku Secara Acak Mempunyai Pekerjaan Baru Setiap Minggu
Reading comics / Mu Yi
🇨🇳Webtoon,Romance,Harem,Drama,Adaptation,Full Color
My Rental Boyfriend is Toying With Me Day and Night!?
My Rental Boyfriend is Toying With Me Day and Night!? / レンタル彼氏に昼も夜も弄ばれてます!? / Rental Kareshi ni Hiru mo Yoru mo Moteasobaretemasu! / Dipermainkan Pacar Sewaanku Siang dan Malam!
🇯🇵Yaoi(BL),School Life,Slice of Life
Moto Maou-Sama No Nangoku Slow Life - Buka Ni Uragirareta No De, Mofumofu-Tachi To Tanoshiku Slow Life Suru No Ja
Moto Maou-sama no Nangoku Slow Life - Buka ni Uragirareta no de, Mofumofu-tachi to Tanoshiku Slow Life suru no Ja / 元魔王様の南国スローライフ 〜部下に裏切られたので、モフモフ達と楽しくスローライフするのじゃ〜 / Former Demon King's Southern Slow Life - Betrayed by Subordinates, So Enjoying a Slow Life with Fluffy Ones
Juuichiya Sui
The Dominator Of The Underworld
Chengwei Yincao Difu De Zhipei Zhe / Becoming the Ruler of the Underworld / Chéngwéi Yīncáo Dìfǔ De Zhīpèi Zhě / The Dominator of the Underworld / The Ruler of the Underworld / 成为阴曹地府的支配者
普鲁斯特漫画 / 电驴
Tsuihou Sareta Onimotsu Tamer, Sekai Yuiitsu No Necromancer Ni Kakusei Suru
An S-ranked Party’s Burden Tamer, I Awoke My True Power by Having My Familiar Killed ~The Exiled Tamer is Actually the Only Necromancer in the World. Unknowingly Becoming the Strongest While Enjoying this Excess Power~ / S-rank Party no Onimotsu Tamer, Tsukaima wo Korosarete Shin no Chikara ni Mezameru ~Tsuihou Sareta Tamer wa Jitsu wa Sekai Yuiitsu no Necromancer deshita. Ariamaru Sono Chikara de Jiyuu wo Ouka Shiteitara Itsunomanika Saikyou ni~
Sky Farm / Hyuaga Azuri
A Romcom Where Defying The Honor Student Girlfriend Is Not An Option
A Romcom Where Defying The Honor Student Girlfriend Is Not An Option / 優等生な彼女に逆らえないラブコメディ
Rurihara Zurachy
12🇯🇵Oneshot,Romance,Comedy,Slice of Life