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The Civil Servant Hunter’S S-Class Resignation Log
The Civil Servant Hunter’s S-Class Resignation Log / Civil Service Hunter’s Grade S Resignation Log / Civil Service Hunter’s S-level Resignation Log / 공무원 헌터의 S급 퇴사일지
Team Zero-In (Whynotme)
Living as the Villain's Stepmother
Living as the Villain's Stepmother / 계모인데, 죽음을 피하는 게 너무 쉽다 / As A Stepmother, It Is Too Easy To Avoid Death / It's So Easy to Avoid Death by Being a Stepmother / She's A Stepmother, But It's Too Easy To Avoid Death / Stepmother, It's So Easy to Avoid Death / The Evil Stepmother Lives On
Yeon heeyeon / Team Paper Flowers / Team Yeong-Won
35🇰🇷Webtoon,Romance,Fantasy,Full Color
The Baseball Team’S Newbie Are Too Good
The Baseball Team's Newbie are Too Good / The Baseball Team's Newbie Is Too Good / 야구단 신입이 너무 잘함
I Will Raise This Boy As Another Man's Child
I Will Raise My Kin as Another Man's Child / 다른 남자 아이로 키우겠어
Team Cheongyeon / Paganjang / Tapaha
A Demon's Wish
Team Ddakkong、Zigozi9
Josei(W),Mature,Smut,Drama,Supernatural,Romance,School Life
Arcana - Tokushubutai / Shuudan
ゼロサムオリジナルアンソロジーシリーズ Arcana (6) [特殊部隊/集団(チーム)] / Zero-Sum Original Anthology Series Arcana 6 - Special Forces and Teams, Monarch Sacred, Frightening Eccentric, Twins Pocky, Pledge of the Ox
Arashi Shindou / 神堂 あらし / Setsuko Yoneyama / よねやま せつこ / Yoshinori Kisaragi / 如月 芳規 / Shiki Kayase / 榧世 シキ / Yukisato Sakamaki / 酒巻 行里 / Ran Igarashi / 五十嵐 嵐 / Tatsune Seno / 瀬之 たつね / Aya Takamiya / 高宮 あや / Mame Serikawa / 芹川 豆 / Yashirou Saeki / 佐伯 弥四郎 / Guriko Magami / 魔神 ぐり子 / Verno Mikawa / 美川 べるの / Azusa Amamiya / 天宮 あずさ / Nanae Mitsu / みつ 七飯 / Yuzu Aotsuki / 青月 ゆず / Hitomi Usaki / 卯崎 ひとみ / Kanade Tokitoh / 時任 奏 / Asato Asahina
Vividred Operation
Keito Koume / 小梅 けいと / Aneko no Techou / あねこの手帖 / Dengeki G's magazine / Team Vivid
Tantei Team KZ Jiken Note
探偵チームKZ事件ノート / Detective Team Kazs' Case Notes: The Missing Bicycle Knows, ntei Team KZ Jiken Note: Kieta Jitensha wa Shitteiru
Nakayoshi / Hitomi Fujimoto / 藤本 ひとみ / 藤本 瞳 / 王領寺 静 / Shizuka Ouryouji / Ryou Sumitaki / 住滝 良 / Megu Sakura / 桜倉 メグ
Murim Investigation Team
무림수사대 S.C.A.T / S.C.A.T
lee choong-ho / murim investigation team 22
Action,Adventure,Martial Arts,Mystery
Three Horns!
三只角! / 三只角!非人学园之金银双子篇
"inhuman academy" development team / yu yanshu
Webtoon,Action,Adventure,Comedy,Fantasy,Martial Arts
Haikyuu!! - KageHina’s Steamy Hotspring Trip (Doujinshi)
KageHi Onsen Yukemuri Ryojou
Akoyagai To Aumale Ebi /Ooki Bonta / Ooki Bonta
Good Luck, Demon King! (Season 2)
加油大魔王 / Cố Lên Nào, Đại Ma Vương! / Good Luck, Demon King! S2 / Work Hard, Mage King!
team gujiu
We are the glorious Bomb Disposal Team (and eye drops).
We are the glorious Bomb Disposal Team (and eye drops). / 我ら栄光の爆弾処理班 (と、目薬) / Warera eikō no bakudan shori-han (to, megusuri). / Nós somos a gloriosa equipe de desativação de bombas (e colírios)
Totsuno Takahide
The Female Mentor Of The Men’S Team Tryout
Nan Tuan Xuanbasai De Nv Daoshi / Nán Tuán Xuǎnbásài De Nǚ Dǎoshī / 男团选拔赛的女导师
十尾兔 / 原点格子
NiGHTS: You Don't Need Wings to Fly
NiGHTS: You Don't Need Wings to Fly / ナイツ―翼がなくても空は飛べる / NiGHTS - Tsubasa ga nakute mo sora wa toberu
Sonic Team / Inukai Kyouko / Miyake Takumi
🇯🇵Oneshot,Demons,Adventure,Video Games,Fantasy,Supernatural,Adaptation,Full Color
Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon - Go! Expedition Society Juniors!
Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon - Go! Expedition Society Juniors! / ポケモン超不思議のダンジョンそれいけ!新米調査団 / Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon: Go For It! Novice Investigation Team!
Takaeda Keisui
🇯🇵Oneshot,Monsters,Animals,Survival,Adventure,Video Games,Drama,Fantasy,Supernatural,Mystery,Adaptation
HiGH&LOW - The story of S.W.O.R.D.
HiGH&LOW - The story of S.W.O.R.D. / HiGH&LOW - Câu chuyện về S.W.O.R.D.
TEAM HI-AX / Hosokawa Masami
🇯🇵Action,Martial Arts,Adventure,Drama,Delinquents,Slice of Life
Sos Greater Tokyo Exploration Team
SOS Dai-Tokyo Tankentai / Tokyo Metro Explorer / SOS大東京探検隊
Ootomo Katsuhiro
Seinen(M),Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Mystery,Psychological,Slice of Life