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The Perfect Prince Loves Me, His Rival?!
Ate-uma Kyara no Kuse shite, Super Darling Ouji ni Chouai sarete imasu. / Ateuma Chara no Kuse shite, Supadari Ouji ni Choai sareteimasu. / 当て馬キャラのくせして、スパダリ王子に寵愛されています。
Ao Yuki
Order wa Boku de Yoroshii desu ka?
オーダーは僕でよろしいですか? / Haru Koi, Power of Love, Flying Start!, Haru ni Kaze to Yuki ga Furu!
Deluxe Margaret / Ayuko Hatta / 八田 鮎子
From Misery To Majesty
異能持ちの孤児ですが、皇太子が優しすぎます! / 황자님, 왜 잘해 주세요?
Han Mint / Rnk
VRMMO Chronicles of a Solo Cleric ~Surprise! I’m Actually a Berserker!~
VRMMO Chronicles of a Solo Cleric ~Surprise! I’m Actually a Berserker!~ / ソロ神官のVRMMO冒険記 〜どこから見ても狂戦士です本当にありがとうございました〜 / VRMMO Chronicles of a Solo Cleric ~No Matter How You Look At It, It's a Berserker! Thank You So Much~
11🇯🇵Webtoon,Action,Comedy,Adventure,Virtual Reality,Video Games,Harem,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color
I Abandoned My Engagement Because Of My Tragic Sister, But For Some Reason I Became Entangled With A Prince Who Has A Strong Sense Of Justice.
I abandoned my engagement because of my tragic sister, but for some reason I became entangled with a prince who has a strong sense of justice. / 悲劇のヒロインぶる妹のせいで婚約破棄したのですが、何故か正義感の強い王太子に絡まれるようになりました
Fuyutsuki Kouki
Tsukushite Agemasu
つくしてあげます / When the Fireworks End, My Hysterical Girl
Cheese! / Rei Touma / 藤間 麗 / Rei Toma
🇯🇵Shoujo(G),Romance,Gender Bender
Imasara desu ga, Osananajimi o Suki ni Natteshimaimashita
Imasara desu ga, Osananajimi o Suki ni Natteshimaimashita / 今さらですが、幼なじみを好きになってしまいました / It's Quite Late, but I've Fallen in Love with my Childhood Friend
Maruto Fumiaki / Yom
Une gal yandere très gentille avec les otakus
Une gal yandere très gentille avec les otakus / オタクに優しすぎてヤンデレるギャル
Shiraishi Kouhei
The Northern Duke Needs A Warm Hug
Cold of Northern Grand Duke / Duc frileux cherche chaleur / Grand Duke of the North Burning Cold / Північний герцог потребує теплих обіймів / 北の公爵の呪いは私が溶かします / 추위타는 북부대공
The Result of a Pillow Talk with a Very Serious Girlfriend
The Result of a Pillow Talk with a Very Serious Girlfriend / すごく真面目な彼女とピロートークをした結果
Matsumoto Kengo
Yusha no Haha desu ga, Mao Gun no Kambu ni Narimashita
Yusha no Haha desu ga, Mao Gun no Kambu ni Narimashita / 勇者の母ですが、魔王軍の幹部になりました。
Noyama Ayumu / Tsuzuru
Yabun ni Kyuuketsu Shitsureishimasu
Yabun ni Kyuuketsu Shitsureishimasu / 夜分に吸血失礼します。 / 夜半吸血多有叨扰 / I need to suck blood tonight
Amida Muku
15🇯🇵Yaoi(BL),Vampires,Supernatural,Shounen ai
Otoko wo Yamete Mita - Gan ni Natta no de Josou shite Koi wo suru Koto ni Narimashita
Otoko wo Yamete Mita - Gan ni Natta no de Josou shite Koi wo suru Koto ni Narimashita / 男をやめてみた~癌になったので女装して恋をすることにしました~ / I Quit Being a Man ~Got Cancer so I Decided to Dress up as a Woman and Fall in Love~
The Fish I Missed Was Big, But I Caught Another Fish Was Too Big
Nigashita Sakana wa Ookikatta ga, Tsuriageta Sakana ga Ookisugita Ken / Always a Catch / 逃がした魚は大きかったが 釣り上げた魚が大きすぎた件 / 逃がした魚は大きかったが釣りあげた魚が大きすぎた件
Momoyo Mayo / Nagato Kaki
Misato-san is a Bit Cold Towards Her Senpai Who Pampers
Misato-san is a Bit Cold Towards Her Senpai Who Pampers / 三郷さんは甘すぎ上司にちょっとキビしい / Misato-san wa Amasugi Jōshi ni Chotto Kibishī / Misato-san wa Amasugi Joushi ni Chotto Kibishii
35🇯🇵Romance,Comedy,Office Workers,Drama,Slice of Life
Cinderella of Mercury
Cinderella of Mercury / 7話のドレス回が待ち遠しいです / The long awaited dress of episode 7
Yamada Ichizoku. (circle)
1🇯🇵Oneshot,Yuri(GL),Fantasy,Full Color
The Mighty Extra: One Girl Changes The World
This Overpowered Extra Will Change Your Life / 脇役だけどチートキャラなんで、人生変えて差し上げます! / 먼치킨 엑스트라 / 먼치킨 엑스트라가 인생을 바꿔드립니다
You mean the world to me, Kyouko!
愛しています、キョーコさん / Aishiteimasu, Kyouko-san. / I love you, Kyouko-san.
Young Magazine the 3rd / Akeji Fujimura / 藤村 緋二 / Takeshi Nozawa / のざわ たけし
The Villainess' ruin is my fault, but I'll try to make her happy with the power of the curse.
The Villainess' ruin is my fault, but I'll try to make her happy with the power of the curse. / 悪役令嬢の破滅の原因ですが、呪いの力で彼女を幸せにしようと思います。 / Akuyaku Reijō no Hametsu no Gen'in Desu ga, Noroi no Chikara de Kanojo o Shiawaseni Shiyou to Omoimasu.
Tooyama Ema
Subete ga Chottozutsu Yasashii Sekai
すべてがちょっとずつ優しい世界 / A Kindly World
Morning Two / Daisuke Nishijima / 西島 大介
Isekai Saikyou no Yome desu ga, Yoru no Tatakai wa Ore no Hou ga Tsuyoi You desu ~ Chiryaku o Ikashite Nariagaru Harem Senki
Isekai Saikyou no Yome desu ga, Yoru no Tatakai wa Ore no Hou ga Tsuyoi You desu ~ Chiryaku o Ikashite Nariagaru Harem Senki / 異世界最強の嫁ですが、夜の戦いは俺の方が強いようです~知略を活かして成り上がるハーレム戦記~ / Dia Pengantin Terkuat di Dunia Lain, Tapi Sepertinya Aku Lebih Kuat Dalam Perkelahian Malam ~ Catatan Pertempuran Harem yang Memanfaatkan Kebijaksanaan~
Shingyou Gaku / Arino Kamachi
Watashi kono-do, ōkokukishi-dan dokushin ryō no kasei-fu o suru koto ni narimashita
I Decided to be a housekeeper of a single kingdom / 私この度、王国騎士団独身寮の家政婦をすることになりました
Miki Kisaragi / Nina Akabane
Aiming For the Deepest Part of the Labyrinth Thanks to "The Vessel of Talent" -What Was Supposed to be a Normal Progression of Skills Turned Out to be an All-Purpose Cheat!
Aiming For the Deepest Part of the Labyrinth Thanks to "The Vessel of Talent" -What Was Supposed to be a Normal Progression of Skills Turned Out to be an All-Purpose Cheat! / The Vessel of Talent / 「才能の器」で目指す迷宮最深部 スキル横伸ばしのはずが、万能チートだった! / "Sainou no Utsuwa" de Mezasu Meikyuu Saishinbu – Skill Yoko Nobashi no Hazu ga, Bannou Cheat datta!
Kakubayashi Tsuyoshi / Tonbi
WorldEnd: What do you do at the end of the world? Are you busy? Will you save us?
終末なにしてますか?忙しいですか?救ってもらっていいですか? / Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii desu ka? / SukaSuka, What are you doing at the end? Are you busy? Can you save me?, Do you have what THE END? Are you busy? Shall you save xxx?
Akira Kareno / 枯野 瑛 / ue
Iranai Akuyaku Reijou, Waga Kuni De Hikitorimasu Wa Yuushuu Na Go-Reijoukata O Tsuihou Da Nante Orokana Mane, Kuni O Horoboshimashite Yo?
要らない悪役令嬢、我が国で引き取りますわ 優秀なご令嬢方を追放だなんて愚かな真似、国を滅ぼしましてよ? / Our Country Takes in Unwanted Villainesses. Banishing All These Excellent Noble Girls Is an Act of Foolishness That Will Ruin Their Countries, You Know? / We’ll Take the Unwanted Villainesses, and We'll Take Them Back to Our Own Country.
Kuromaku Ikka Ni Tensei Shita Kedo Gensaku Mushishite Dokuritsu Suru
黒幕一家に転生したけど原作無視して独立する / Reincarnated Into a Villainous Family, but I'm Ignoring the Plot and Going Rogue! / I Was Reincarnated Into a Villainous Family, but I'll Ignore the Original Story and Live Independently
Sorano Susumu
I'll Send Her Home On The Last Train
I'll Send Her Home On The Last Train / Shuuden ni wa Kaeshimasu / 終電にはかえします
Amagakure Gido
🇯🇵Yuri(GL),Romance,Anthology,School Life,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Hakoiri Musume Desu Ga, Keiyaku Renai Hajimemashita
A Sheltered Girl's Fake Love Agreement / 箱入り娘ですが、契約恋愛はじめました
Sunagawa Amemichi
Vandread Special Stage
ヴァンドレッド すぺしゃる すてーじ
Dragon Junior / Gonzo / ゴンゾ / Kotetsu Akane / 茜 虎徹 / Takeshi Mori / もり たけし
Tensei shitara Otome Game no Sekai? Ie, Majutsu wo Kiwameru no ni Isogashii node Souiu no wa Kekkou desu.
転生したら乙女ゲーの世界? いえ、魔術を極めるのに忙しいのでそういうのは結構です。 / Reincarnated into an Otome Game? Nah, I'm Too Busy Mastering Magic!, Reincarnated into an Otome Game? Who Cares! I'm Too Busy Mastering Magic!, Tensei shitara Otomege no Sekai? Ie, Majutsu wo Kiwameru no ni Isogashii node Souiu no wa Kekkou desu.
ComicWalker / Akimu Sakamaki / 坂巻 あきむ / Mitsumaru Sakurai / 櫻井 三丸
Don't close, you are dazzling.
やめてください、まぶしいです。 / Yamete kudasai, Mabushii desu. / Please Stop, You're Dazzling.
BLink / Haruki Hiwatari / 日渡 春祈
1🇯🇵Shounen ai
Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga.
最近、妹のようすがちょっとおかしいんだが。 / Recently, My Sister Is Unusual., Lately, My Little Sister Has Been a Bit Strange, ImoCho.
Dragon Age / Mari Matsuzawa / 松沢 まり
Watashi wa Otonashiku Kiesaru Koto ni Shimasu
私はおとなしく消え去ることにします / I Will Go and Disappear Obediently
RURU / るる / ComicWalker / Kirie / きりえ