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Kantai Collection - Kankore - 4-Koma Comic - Fubuki, Ganbarimasu!
艦隊これくしょん -艦これ- 4コマコミック 吹雪、がんばります! (Japanese) / Kankore - Kantai Collection / Kantai Collection - Kancolle (English)
Momoi Ryouta
Shounen(B),Comedy,Historical,School Life,Slice of Life
Isekai Saikyou no Seikishi wa Joujakusugite Kyou mo Net Enjoushiteru ~FF Gai Kara Shitsureishimasu~
The strongest holy knight in a different world is too much of a noob, he got in a troll fight today too~i don't follow you and you don’t follow me, but please excuse me.~ / 世界最強の聖騎士は情弱すぎて今日もネット炎上してる~FF外から失礼します~
enda marimo
The Older Sister Lectures the Boyfriend Who Was Trying to Have Obscene Sex With Her Younger Sister
The Older Sister Lectures the Boyfriend Who Was Trying to Have Obscene Sex With Her Younger Sister / 妹と不純異性交遊しようとしていた彼氏くんに説教する姉
Taniguchi Daisuke
🇯🇵Oneshot,Comedy,Slice of Life,Gyaru
Yakutatazu to Iwareta node, Watashi no Ie wa Dokuritsu Shimasu!
Yakutatazu to Iwareta node, Watashi no Ie wa Dokuritsu Shimasu! / My Household Became Independent Because It Was Said to Be Useless! / 役立たずと言われたので、わたしの家は独立します!
Tohno Konoe / Kurono Yuu
Danjo no Yujou wa Seiritsu suru? (Iya, Shinai!!)
Danjo no Yujou wa Seiritsu suru? (Iya, Shinai!!) / 男女の友情は成立する?(いや、しないっ!!)
Parum / Nanana Nana / Kamelie
53🇯🇵Manga,Seinen(M),Shounen(B),Romance,Comedy,Slice of Life,Adaptation,Drama,School Life
Tensei Koushaku Reijou Funtouki: Watashi, Rippa ni Zamaa sarete Misemasu!
転生侯爵令嬢奮闘記ーわたし、立派にざまぁされてみせます! / The Struggle of Being Reincarnated as the Marquess's Daughter: I'll Deal With What's Coming to Me!
AlphaPolis Web Manga / Mikan Shinoda / 志野田 みかん / Yasuko Yamaru / 屋丸 やす子
Ikumen Datte Koishimasu
Ikumen Datte Koishimasu / Even A Hot Guy Falls In Love / 育メンだって恋します
Mishima Kazuhiko
Ryuuou Heika no Gekirin-sama
Ryuuou Heika no Gekirin-sama / 竜王陛下の逆鱗サマ / 竜王陛下の逆鱗サマ~本好きネズミ姫ですが、なぜか竜王の最愛になりました~ / Ryuuou Heika no Gekirin-sama ~Hon Suki Nezumi Himedesuga, Naze ka Ryuuou no Saiai ni Narimashita~ / 龙王陛下的逆鳞公主
Shikimi Aki / Kawano Akiko
Order wa Boku de Yoroshii desu ka?
オーダーは僕でよろしいですか? / Haru Koi, Power of Love, Flying Start!, Haru ni Kaze to Yuki ga Furu!
Deluxe Margaret / Ayuko Hatta / 八田 鮎子
Aiming For the Deepest Part of the Labyrinth Thanks to "The Vessel of Talent" -What Was Supposed to be a Normal Progression of Skills Turned Out to be an All-Purpose Cheat!
Aiming For the Deepest Part of the Labyrinth Thanks to "The Vessel of Talent" -What Was Supposed to be a Normal Progression of Skills Turned Out to be an All-Purpose Cheat! / The Vessel of Talent / 「才能の器」で目指す迷宮最深部 スキル横伸ばしのはずが、万能チートだった! / "Sainou no Utsuwa" de Mezasu Meikyuu Saishinbu – Skill Yoko Nobashi no Hazu ga, Bannou Cheat datta!
Kakubayashi Tsuyoshi / Tonbi
Oyasumi, Itoshiki Kotori-sama
Oyasumi, Itoshiki Kotori-sama / Good Night, My Little Bird / Good Night, My Little Bird おやすみ、いとしい小鳥さま
Sakura Rico
A Couple That Wants To Share a Goodbye Kiss
Ittekimasu no kisu ga shitai fuufu no hanashi / いってきますのキスがしたい夫婦の話
akiba ruiki
Cinderella of Mercury
Cinderella of Mercury / 7話のドレス回が待ち遠しいです / The long awaited dress of episode 7
Yamada Ichizoku. (circle)
1🇯🇵Oneshot,Yuri(GL),Fantasy,Full Color
Even So, I Will Love You Tenderly
それでも、やさしい恋をする / Soredemo, Yasashii Koi wo Suru / A Gentle Lie Doesn't Bear Fruit, Yasashii Uso wa Minoranai, Doushitemo Furetakunai dj, The World With Color, After 9 hours, After 10 hours
Kou Yoneda / ヨネダ コウ / Nitro Koutetsu / Raw / Haitani Kou / Itarukoga
1🇯🇵Yaoi(BL),Romance,Slice of Life
The One I Love
わたしのすきなひと / Watashi no Suki na Hito
CLAMP / Satsuki Igarashi / Nanase Ohkawa / Ageha Ohkawa / Tsubaki Nekoi / Mokona.
🇯🇵Josei(W),Romance,Slice of Life
I’m Using the Hero Who Loves Me Too Much, Because I Planned to Live a Long Life in This World (I Probably Failed Again)
I’m Using the Hero Who Loves Me Too Much, Because I Planned to Live a Long Life in This World (I Probably Failed Again) / 私を好きすぎる勇者様を利用して、今世こそ長生きするつもりだったのに(多分、また失敗した) / 私への愛が激重の勇者様を利用して、今世こそ長生き目指します!
Kotoko / Kumonomi Kei
Watashi no Hatsukoi wa Hazukashisugite Darenimo Ienai
Watashi no Hatsukoi wa Hazukashisugite Darenimo Ienai / 私の初恋は恥ずかしすぎて誰にも言えない / My First Love Is Too Embarrassing to Tell Anyone
Fushimi Tsukasa / Jako
🇯🇵Genderswap,Romance,Comedy,School Life,Adaptation
My Ears After Corona, Personified
My Ears After Corona, Personified / コロナ禍で成長した僕の「耳」を擬人化した漫画です。
Iroiro Yaru Hito
Story of an Exiled Villainess Possessed by the Soul of an Isekai Reincarnation
Story of an Exiled Villainess Possessed by the Soul of an Isekai Reincarnation / 国外追放された悪役令嬢に異世界転生者の魂が憑依して無双する話
Itai no wa Iya nanode Bougyo-Ryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu Comic Anthology
Bofuri Comic Anthology / 痛いのは嫌なので防御力に極振りしたいと思います。コミックアンソロジー
azuma kohji / eranto / moriwaki kamin / nakane nata / nanaji yuuki / sakurai makoto / sawano akira / tanukichi / yuumikan
Isekai de Saikyou no Tsue ni Tensei shita Ore ga Iyagaru Shoujo wo Muriyari Mahou Shoujo ni P suru!
異世界で最強の杖に転生した俺が嫌がる少女をムリヤリ魔法少女にPする! / Reincarnated as the strongest wand In another world, I'm forcing a girl to be a magical girl against her will!
Shounen Gangan / Tsutsushi Sakurai / 桜井 慎 / Daisuke Takashima / 鷹嶋 大輔
Une gal yandere très gentille avec les otakus
Une gal yandere très gentille avec les otakus / オタクに優しすぎてヤンデレるギャル
Shiraishi Kouhei
Trying to Do Erotic Things by Using an Aphrodisiac
Horegusuri Tsukatte Eroi Koto Shiyou to Suru Hanashi / Story About Trying to Do Lewd Stuff With Love Medicine / 惚れ薬使ってエロイ事しようとする話
Kemu Kimura
3🇯🇵Oneshot,Comedy,Romance,School Life
Zippin' Hoppin' Slammin' Our Love
ちょっとトバしすぎ / Chotto Tobashisugi / Zippin' Hoppin' Slammin' Our Love
Biblos / Naoka Kasuga / 春日 直加
Growing up with My Cute Neighbour
Growing up with My Cute Neighbour / お隣さんと窓越しにお話するだけ
🇯🇵Oneshot,Romance,Slice of Life
Kuu Intrudes From Above
Kuu Intrudes From Above / Kuu ga Ue Kara Shitsurei Shimasu / くぅが上から失礼します
Koyama Rikiya / Nagano Rika
🇯🇵School Life,Slice of Life
Watashi kono-do, ōkokukishi-dan dokushin ryō no kasei-fu o suru koto ni narimashita
I Decided to be a housekeeper of a single kingdom / 私この度、王国騎士団独身寮の家政婦をすることになりました
Miki Kisaragi / Nina Akabane
WorldEnd: What do you do at the end of the world? Are you busy? Will you save us?
終末なにしてますか?忙しいですか?救ってもらっていいですか? / Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii desu ka? / SukaSuka, What are you doing at the end? Are you busy? Can you save me?, Do you have what THE END? Are you busy? Shall you save xxx?
Akira Kareno / 枯野 瑛 / ue
Akuyaku Wa Kois Shicha Dame Desu Ka?
Are Villains Not Allowed To Fall In Love? / Akuyaku ha Koi shicha Dame desuka / 悪役は恋しちゃダメですか?
Chlor Hazuki / Kiri Miyama
The girl I became friends with after lending each other H books
The girl I became friends with after lending each other H books / えっちな本とかを貸し借りする仲になった子 / 互相借了H书之后成了朋友的女生
Shio Butter
Vandread Special Stage
ヴァンドレッド すぺしゃる すてーじ
Dragon Junior / Gonzo / ゴンゾ / Kotetsu Akane / 茜 虎徹 / Takeshi Mori / もり たけし
Tensei shitara Otome Game no Sekai? Ie, Majutsu wo Kiwameru no ni Isogashii node Souiu no wa Kekkou desu.
転生したら乙女ゲーの世界? いえ、魔術を極めるのに忙しいのでそういうのは結構です。 / Reincarnated into an Otome Game? Nah, I'm Too Busy Mastering Magic!, Reincarnated into an Otome Game? Who Cares! I'm Too Busy Mastering Magic!, Tensei shitara Otomege no Sekai? Ie, Majutsu wo Kiwameru no ni Isogashii node Souiu no wa Kekkou desu.
ComicWalker / Akimu Sakamaki / 坂巻 あきむ / Mitsumaru Sakurai / 櫻井 三丸
Suki Sugiru Kara Kanojo Ijou no, Imouto Toshite Aishite Kudasai
Suki Sugiru Kara Kanojo Ijou no, Imouto Toshite Aishite Kudasai / 好きすぎるから彼女以上の、妹として愛してください
Takizawa Kei / Takehiko Yoshihara
3🇯🇵Romance,Comedy,School Life
Osagashi no Hatsukoi Aite wa Tabun Watashi Desu, to wa Totemo Ienai
Osagashi no Hatsukoi Aite wa Tabun Watashi Desu, to wa Totemo Ienai / お探しの初恋相手はたぶん私です、とはとても言えない / お探しの初恋相手はたぶん私です、とはとても言えない。~逃亡した元聖女、もふもふをこじらせた青年と再会する~ / Osagashi no Hatsukoi Aite wa Tabun Watashi Desu, to wa Totemo Ienai. ~Toubou Shita Moto Seijo, Mofumofu wo Kojiraseta Seinen to Saikai Suru~ / Maybe His First Love That He's Searching for Is Me, but I Won't Say It
NAGANO Mizuki / Kana